Backup as a Service (BaaS)

It’s hard to put a price tag on your data. If something were to happen to your client data, trade secrets, or system files — a ransomware attack or data loss, for example — the costs could be devastating.

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Dark Fiber

Want total control over your network? With Segra’s Dark Fiber, you’re able to use our Fiber as though it were your own. You choose the optical equipment, the networking approach, the monitoring tools and performance-management systems. In other words, you’ll be in the driver’s seat of your WAN.

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Our flexible, scalable fiber network gives you complete control over your WAN routing. Our Layer 2 Ethernet allows your IT team to route data between sites. With port and bandwidth speeds of up to 400Gbps, you’ll be able to provide the robust and reliable connectivity your customers demand.

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Fiber to the Cell / Backhaul

As next-generation devices multiply, mobile traffic is exploding on 5G networks. Our comprehensive Fiber to the Cell / Backhaul solutions helps you meet this demand. Our Connectivity availability and Dark Fiber is ideal for speed and growth of small-cell front-haul networks to provide high capacity and minimal latency.

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Small Cell / Macro Cell Dark Fiber

With usage mobile device usage at an all-time high, the demand for data continues to increase at an unparalleled pace. This growth has quickly exposed gaps in mobile network coverage where there is not enough capacity to handle peak traffic or enough reach to serve users. Wireless carriers are turning to the deployment of small cell sites to fill these gaps because the cells provide a pin-point solution, adding capacity and coverage precisely where it’s needed.

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Online transactions, cloud applications, and the demand for data storage are growing exponentially. With Speeds up to 400Gbps, you can move oceans of data with our fastest, highest-capacity service.

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Unify is a suite of fully integrated multimedia messaging services for any size business. This single application provides a unified communications experience across tablets, mobile phones, PCs and laptops including Windows, Mac, iOS and Android. Unify brings together all real-time communications services enabling you to access telephony features, send and receive IMs, and collaborate with Voice, Video and Desktop Sharing.

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