Security Operations Center as a Service (SOCaaS)

One of the first steps to remain safe from a digital attack is to operate under the assumption that you can always be targeted. The next part? A comprehensive strategy that uses next-generation defenses, real-time monitoring and active threat response capabilities to go beyond traditional perimeter defenses.

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Secure and Streamline Your Network with Segra’s SD-WAN

Times have changed. Relying on hardware to connect WAN endpoints was the longtime gold standard, but effective branch networking in an increasing digital-first world demands more — more visibility, more security, more simplicity and control.

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Simplify Your Wireless Network with Segra’s Managed WiFi Solution

A strong Wi-Fi connection can make a big difference for your operations. That’s why it’s so important to get it right.

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Simplify Your IT Infrastructure with Segra’s Managed Switch Solution

Productivity happens when employees and equipment can connect. Network switches — systems that make it possible for devices to “talk” to each other — act as the nerve center of the business IT infrastructure responsible for sending and receiving critical information. Without their help, tech-driven collaboration and communication would be nearly impossible.

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Stay Connected Even During Outages with Segra’s Wireless Backup

Maintaining business continuity is crucial to every organization’s success. Keep your organization running even if your primary connection goes down with a backup wireless connection.

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Work is not limited by four walls, so why is your infrastructure? In-office or on the road, taking care of business is more “anywhere, anytime” than “one place, one time.” In an increasingly digital-first world, the right infrastructure approach can make or break a competitive edge — that’s where the cloud comes in.

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Hosted Firewall

Maintaining a threat-ready defense posture is hard work, and the traditional means of protecting your network from hostile traffic can struggle to keep up. Cloud-powered firewall solutions deliver the security and agility needed to sidestep cybercrime in a rapidly changing landscape.

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Boost Your Business Connectivity with Ethernet WAN from Segra

Fast, secure and reliable data access is key to business success – this holds particularly true for growing enterprises. Maintain agility and scale effortlessly with Ethernet Wide Area Network (WAN).

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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

On their own or used as a smokescreen for a more devastating cybersecurity threat, a DDoS attack can bring your system to its knees. Waiting until disaster strikes is the wrong time to start thinking about boosting your defenses to keep malicious traffic at bay.

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Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS)

Power outages. Cyber-attacks. Hiccups during routine maintenance and upgrades. Downtime will happen at some point. When it does, few things are more important than bringing everything back up to full functionality as quickly as possible.

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